A number of the UK’s WEEE Approved Authorised Treatment Facility operators have formed a representative body to provide a voice for the sector in discussions with enforcement Agencies and Government.
With its members accounting for over 80% of WEEE recycling in the UK, the AATF Forum is able to provide a focus for the WEEE treatment sector to improve industry standards, assist in the development of regulatory change and resolve common technical issues.
In particular, it is expected that the Forum will provide the Agencies and Defra with a single point of contact on WEEE specific issues and ensure that the sector is properly represented in stakeholder discussions and negotiations.
The first meeting was held last week (11 October), with attendance by representatives from all member companies, Defra and four agencies. This covered a range of topics that highlighted the need for such a focussed group and will be followed by regular meetings every two months.
According to a spokesperson for the Forum, issues such as collection targets, scope for change, compliance fee charges and supply chain responsibilities will all depend on a ‘robust treatment sector’ to provide cost effective facilities that deliver the highest environmental standards.
It is expected that being able to cooperate in a non-competitive forum will enable the sector to work with government to give the UK the optimum platform for the future.
Initially, the Forum will work on an informal basis and will be independently administered and chaired.
The Forum has come together following an initial suggestion from Justin Greenaway of WEEE reprocessor SWEEEP, who was concerned at what he felt was the lack of specific representation for the sector.
“I am delighted that this has been supported so strongly by AATFs, Defra and the Agencies. It has illustrated the need for our sector to work both together and with these government organisations in a more focussed and coordinated way to deliver national improvement for the future. ”
Justin Greenaway
Mr Greenaway said: “I am delighted that this has been supported so strongly by AATFs, Defra and the Agencies. It has illustrated the need for our sector to work both together and with these government organisations in a more focussed and coordinated way to deliver national improvement for the future.
“Our initial structure as an informal Forum has enabled us to move quickly into an active position with a number of issues already being considered on a winder sectoral basis.”
He added: “This Forum is open to any business that is accredited as an AATF. It is not seeking to compete with any other bodies and indeed, sees cooperation with others as a key factor in the ongoing success if the Forum.”
The members of the Forum are currently: AO, Eco Technology, Electrical Waste, EMR, Environcom, GAP Waste, Light Brothers, London Mining, Mercury Recycling, Recycling Lives, S Norton, Sims, SWEEEP, Veolia, Viridor and Wiser.
The post WEEE operators launch sector Forum appeared first on letsrecycle.com.
Source: letsrecycle.com General