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Tradebe expands with Labwaste acquisition

By 18/01/2018News

Hazardous waste firm Tradebe has announced the acquisition of Labwaste, a specialist in the collection, treatment and disposal of laboratory waste.

And, the company, which has its headquarters in Buckinghamshire, has applied for a permit to operate a waste transfer station at one of its existing sites in Worcester.

Tradebe and Labwaste

(l-r) Brian Mulholland, Tradebe treatment & fuels director and Bob Hilliard, Tradebe national small collections director for the UK (and former managing director of LabWaste)

Based in Hinckley, Leicestershire, Labwaste operates a hazardous waste transfer station, supported by a fleet of purpose build vehicles.

Operating since 2006, the company has a customer base across England, Wales and Scotland, providing laboratory waste services including technical waste assessment, labelling, packaging, storage and transportation to final disposal.


Commenting on the deal, Tradebe UK chief executive, Rob Molenaar, said: “This latest acquisition expands Tradebe’s treatment, transfer and disposal network, directly supporting our UK’s strategic growth plans in this attractive segment.”

Tradebe treatment & fuels director, Brian Mulholland, added: “We’re delighted to welcome the Labwaste team and their customers to Tradebe. Labwaste has grown to become one of the most unique hazardous waste transfer stations in the UK, with remarkable re-use and recovery rates, which is perfectly aligned with our company’s vision, purpose and ethos.

“Tradebe with a strategic network of sector-leading treatment and transfer stations, together with Labwaste’s specialist commercial experience and technical operations in the small waste collections market, will lead to the future enhancement and expansion of service offerings available to the laboratory waste market.”


The news comes as, last week, (11 January), a consultation opened on an environmental permit application made by Tradebe, for its Redditch Clinical Waste Treatment Facility.

The Variation Application is to allow the site to operate as a waste transfer station in addition to the existing incineration operations in order to increase “operational flexibility” on the site.

At present, the site operates as a clinical waste treatment facility, which uses incineration, and handles up to 10,000 tonnes of waste per annum.

Currently, all waste types are imported to the site in containers. Only if the incinerator is shut down for maintenance or breakdown is waste exported from site under agreement with the EA.

“We’re delighted to welcome the Labwaste team and their customers to Tradebe.”

Brian Mulholland

A summary document published by the Environment Agency, says the proposals will allow incineration of “incineration only” waste (HTI) to be prioritised and allow waste streams that do not have to be incinerated – typically ATP and non-hazardous offensive waste – to be routed for recovery or disposal elsewhere if appropriate.


And, according to a document of proposed changes: “Although the precise quantities and types of wastes cannot be definitively predicted the added flexibility will assist in optimising incinerator operations and prioritising the use of the incinerator for incinerator only waste streams”.

Tradebe operates three high temperature incineration facilities for the final disposal of clinical waste, located in Wrexham, Redditch and Fawley.

According to the company’s website, clinical waste streams that are not suitable for alternative treatment are disposed of through incineration, these include “common healthcare waste streams”, such as medicines, radioactive wastes, and contaminate sharps.

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Source: General