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Four councils join ‘Leave Your Cap On’ aluminium campaign

By 21/12/2016News

Four local authorities have joined the ‘Leave Your Cap On’ campaign, aimed at encouraging residents to recycle aluminium screw tops on glass bottles. 

A campaign is asking residents to leave their metal bottle tops on their glss bottles/jars when recycling them in the glass recycling banks. Representatives from the council and Alupro at Tesco Oxford. Pictured at Tesco, Cowley Road, Ruth Meeke from Alupro is joined by the council recycling mascot at the bottle banks. Copyright Richard Cave 301.12.16

Ruth Meeke from Alupro is joined by the Oxford council recycling mascot at the bottle banks. picture: Richard Cave

The latest campaigns, in Oxford and Berkshire, have brought the number of bottle banks across the UK promoting the campaign to 5,443 – reaching over two million households.

Managed by the Aluminium Packaging Recycling Organisation (Alupro), the campaign has recently been adopted by Oxford city council and Berkshire’s re3 – a waste management partnership between Bracknell Forest, Reading and Wokingham borough councils and FCC Environment.

New stickers on all 597 bottle bank sites in the re3 area will explain why screwing the lid back onto glass bottles can help recycle more and benefit the environment.

The Oxford city council campaign is being publicised through the council’s website and social media, as well as with stickers on 46 bottle banks in the city. ‘Phil the Bin’, the city’s blue bin recycling league mascot, is helping to promote the campaign.

‘Ideal time’

Rick Hindley, executive director of Alupro said: “With Christmas and New Year fast-approaching it’s the ideal time for people to get into the habit of screwing caps back on and helping to boost recycling figures.

Wokingham was one of the councils to join the campaign

“The market for aluminium bottle closures is growing rapidly, particularly for wine bottles, so it is important that people are made aware of how simple it is to recycle them.

“Alupro has free resources available to local authorities to encourage this simple but effective behaviour change, including artwork templates and short videos to explain how simply screwing the top back on the empty bottle helps recover this valuable, sustainable and recyclable material.”

The ‘Leave Your Cap On’ campaign is part-funded by British Glass and Scottish-based manufacturer Guala Closures.

Launched in 2013, the campaigns are now running in 15 local authorities and waste partnerships.

Research conducted by Alupro into the UK closure market at the launch of the campaign found that an estimated 5,000 tonnes of aluminium from caps and closures could be recovered from metal screw tops on glass bottles that are currently thrown away.

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Source: Metal