OPINION: Cloud-based waste management software sales have skyrocketed as COVID-19 has driven paperless transactions, says Geeta Chandra, founder and chief executive of software provider, Waste Logics
COVID-19 has driven many changes in the way we live, not least of which is the way we work. From working from home, to re-organising office spaces to sanitising surfaces several times per day, the workplace has significantly changed in the last 12-15 months and the waste industry is no exception.

Geeta Chandra, chief executive of Waste Logics
Although many waste services require mobile workers to be ‘on the road’, there are still those employees who sell and administer the services back at the office. While the physical separation of workers and the need for additional PPE have required costly changes to normal working practice, the pandemic has also created opportunities to improve operational efficiency.
Take for example the move towards paperless operations and the trend for working from home. We attribute much of our 2020 growth to these shifts in the logistics of running a business:
We saw an uptick in business equivalent to over 28% year-on-year growth in 2020 as waste management companies sought cloud-based, paperless solutions to facilitate homeworking and reduce face-to-face contact during the working day. Our clients are looking for a streamlined solution which reduces the administrative burden on their employees and removes the need for trading pens and paper at weighbridges, at customer locations and in the office.”
Considering that commercial waste volumes are directly linked to the number of people physically attending work, and that commuting fell to just 5% of normal volumes during the first lockdown of 2020, Waste Logics achieved an astonishing growth figure last year, and 2021’s Q1 figures show that this trend is set to continue for us. We’re continually recruiting new staff in order to keep up with demand.
As the vaccine rollout continues at pace and lockdown restrictions ease, it’s likely that there will be a shift towards office working again, although it may never fully return to pre-pandemic levels. Whatever the rate of return to relative normality, it appears that the paperless revolution brought about by COVID-19 is here to stay as the waste management industry opens its eyes to new technologies and Government grants and bounce back loans fuel the long awaited digitisation of businesses.
The post ‘Cloud-based software helps growth during Covid’ appeared first on letsrecycle.com.
Source: letsrecycle.com Waste Managment