With news on: Walk for WasteAid; can recycling campaign raises money; Merseyside charity looks to recycling; and, RiverRidge supports children’s hospice.
‘Walk for WasteAid 2018′ to take place in London
Global waste management charity, WasteAid, has announced its next fundraising event, the Walk for WasteAid, which will take place in London on Saturday 23 June.
The Walk for WasteAid raises money to support waste management initiatives in low-income countries. This year the Walk for WasteAid will follow a 25km route along the river Thames in London, across 16 historic bridges and ending south of the majestic Tower Bridge.
There is also an option to complete the 10km walk. In addition, sponsorship packages are available for businesses or organisations to support the Walk for WasteAid.
According to WasteAid, 70% of plastic in the oceans originates from household waste in poor parts of the world where there are no waste management systems. WasteAid trains communities in essential waste management and recycling skills, creating jobs, improving public health and protecting the local and global environment.
To sign up for the Walk for WasteAid visit https://billetto.co.uk/en/e/walk-for-wasteaid-2018-bridging-the-global-recycling-gap-tickets-258358
Can recycling campaign raises money for carers
ACE Recycling has partnered with Every Can Counts and Carers Trust to launch ‘Cans for Carers’ – an aluminium drinks cans recycling initiative that aims to raise money for young carers under-25 in Scotland.

(l-r) Chris Latham-Warde, programme manager for Every Can Counts, Meg Wright, director for Scotland and Ireland of the Carers Trust, and Malcolm McArdle, managing director for ACE Recycling
The campaign, which is supported by the free-to-use Every Can Counts recycling programme, aims to encourage businesses across Central Scotland to recycling their cans.
For every tonnes of cans collected through the Cans for Carers initiative, ACE said it will donate £250 to Carers Trust Scotland, who in turn will use the funds to support young carers in Scotland.
All of the drinks cans collected will be processed and recycled by ACE Recycling. ACE, based in Alloa, have been Novelis’ aluminium can aggregation centre in Scotland for over 20 years.
Novelis operates a dedicated used aluminium can recycling plant in Warrington, Cheshire. This means that almost every aluminium can collected in Scotland and sent for recycling in Warrington, comes to ACE first to check for quality and contamination, the company said. ACE handle over 200 tonnes of aluminium cans for Novelis each month.
Merseyside charity looks to recycling and re-use
A charity in Wirral, Merseyside, is calling for the support of local residents as it looks to generate much needed funds as well as prevent everyday household materials from going to waste.

(l-r) Patrick Smith, retail development manager at Wirral Hospice St John’s, Glynn Stevenson, waste strategy policy officer at MRWA, Teresa Nightingale, head of fundraising at Wirral Hospice St John’s
Wirral Hospice St John’s has launched the campaign which will see unwanted items – such as furniture, clothing, toys, books, electricals and more – cleaned up and sold on, with the sales money going to support its operations.
The charity provides free care and support to adults with life-limiting illnesses, and includes a 16-bed Inpatient Ward, Outpatient Clinics, Day Therapy unit and Hospice at Home service.
The project – Supporting Patient Care Through Recycling and Re-use – is part of the Merseyside Recycling & Waste Authority and Veolia Community Fund 2017/18 which was set up to help support waste prevention, re-use and recycling projects locally. The Hospice has received £5,000 from the Fund to help expand their operations.
RiverRidge supports children’s Hospice
Three years of fundraising by Northern Irish waste management company, RiverRidge, has resulted in more than £30,000 being donated to the Northern Ireland Children’s Hospice.

Jonathan Lamberton, corporate engagement executive at Northern Ireland Children’s Hospice and Alan Sproule, strategic development manager of RiverRidge
After a close personal experience within the company, RiverRidge said its charity committee decided that all charitable efforts would be offered in support of the much needed work of NI Children’s Hospice.
Alan Sproule, strategic development manager of RiverRidge, said: “Northern Ireland Children’s Hospice gives people vital support in their most difficult times and so we are very proud to be able to make a significant contribution to this charity and its wonderful work for children throughout Northern Ireland.”
Since 2015, RiverRidge said it has dedicated all its charitable efforts to Northern Ireland Children’s Hospice and has successfully raised over £30,000 through organising various events, including a film premiere evening, raffles, a Christmas jumper office day and several charity golf days.
The post Charity news round-up (09/03/2018) appeared first on letsrecycle.com.
Source: letsrecycle.com General